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Our Curriculum Vision

The children and their learning are at the core of everything we do at Gascoigne Primary School. Our PSHE curriculum is designed to take into consideration our children’s varied backgrounds and cultural experiences as we believe they deserve a curriculum that does not narrow their life chances but expands them, enabling social equity and mobility. We therefore prepare children to be lifelong learners and global citizens.


The Gascoigne Strands

The Gascoigne Curriculum is explicitly PSHE-focussed. The four principles (Ourselves, Our World, Our Education, Our Rights) underpin and encompass the wide range of pedagogies, methodologies and experiences which drive the acquisition of skills, knowledge and understanding of concepts at Gascoigne. Each principle carries a Curriculum Vision Statement, supported by approximately four Character Development Strands, which articulate the personal development purposes and the inherent PSHE learning across our school’s curriculum. Our curriculum is thereby predicated on the importance of PSHE. The subject, and a PSHE-focussed approach to the overall curriculum is fundamental to realising our curriculum vision statements.


Rights Respecting

A PSHE-focussed approach to the curriculum at Gascoigne Primary School enables us to deliver on our obligations as a Rights Respecting School. Through PSHE learning, pupils will explore and address many of the rights contained within the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), leading to a greater understanding of the relevance of the rights within their own lives.


What we are Learning

The PSHE focus at any given point during the school year will be the same across different year groups:

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Staying Safe Mental
Families and
Aspirations and
Growing up


Year 4 - Outdoor Learning  (PSHE & Literacy)

Year 4 - Summer 1 – Outdoor Learning 

In Year 4, during the summer term, our outdoor learning experience was based on PSHE and Literacy. 


L.O. To develop strategies for resisting peer pressure 

The children explored different scenarios, through role play and drama, on how to deal with peer pressure. The children had opportunities to work collaboratively in groups. Every child contributed positively, using their speaking and listening skills.  

Pupil Voices:

  • "It was really fun to do it outside!"
  • "I enjoyed working with my group."
  • "It was good to work outside."

Literacy – Oracy Lesson  

L.O. To demonstrate the skills of enunciation, expression and effective presentational skills.     

The children had the opportunity to develop their oracy skills using the outdoor provision at Gascoigne Primary School site. They presented to an audience using their independent narrative piece, using all their oracy skills, such as using a clear voice with expression and developing their fluency.  



Pupil Voice:

  • "I was a bit nervous, but it was fun." 
  • "I enjoyed reading outside." 





Get in touch

Gascoigne Primary School Gascoigne Road, Barking, Essex, IG11 7DR

Gascoigne Shaftesburys, Shaftesburys, Barking, Essex, IG11 7JA

020 8270 4291