About Us
Our large, friendly team is available to respond to any query; please speak with a member of our office team, should you need to arrange a meeting with any member of staff.
The school details are as follows:
Gascoigne Primary School
Gascoigne Road
IG11 7DR
Gascoigne Primary School
The Shaftesburys
IG11 7JA
Contact Details
Contact: School Office
Email: office@gascoigne.co.uk
Tel: 020 8270 4291
Office Team:
School Business Manager: Mr Richard Puttnam
Office Manager: Mrs Eugenie Augustin
Assistant Office Manager: Mrs Tanya Whitlock
Attendance / Receptionist: Mrs Ela Pashai
Attendance / Receptionist: Mrs Diana Chira
Admissions Officer: Mrs Puja Talajia
ICT Technician: Mr Jack Taylor
Headteachers & Chair of Governors
Co-Headteacher: Mrs Anre Buchner
Email: ABuchner@gascoigne.co.uk
Co-Headteacher: Mr James Fox
Email: JFox@gascoigne.co.uk
Co-Chair of Governors: Mrs Abidah Kamali
Email: AKamali@gascoigne.co.uk
Co-Chair of Governors: Ms Tanaz Noor
Email: tnoor@gascoigne.co.uk
Family Liaison Practitioner Team
Contact: Marie Attard and Kelly McKinnon
Email: familyliaison@gascoigne.co.uk
SENCO (KS2): Mrs Selina Alexander
Email: salexander@gascoigne.co.uk
SENCO (EYFS & KS1) & Children Looked After Designated Teacher: Ms Cheryl Monks
Email: cmonks@gascoigne.co.uk
GDPR Data Protection Officer
The Data Protection Officer is responsible for overseeing data protection within the school, so if you do have any questions in this regard, please do contact them, using the information below: -
Data Protection Officer: Craig Stilwell
Company: Judicium Consulting Ltd
Address: 72 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 6AE
Email: dataservices@judicium.com
Web: www.judiciumeducation.co.uk
Telephone: 0203 326 9174