Rights Respecting
The UNICEF UK Rights Respecting Schools Award supports schools across the UK to embed children’s human rights into their ethos and culture. The Award recognises achievement in putting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) at the heart of a school’s practice to improve well-being and outcomes for every child and to help all children realise their potential.
We are very pleased to announce that Gascoigne will be working with UNICEF to ensure that our children's rights are embedded into our Curriculum to form an inclusive, well-respected school community.
If you would like to find out more information about our Rights Respecting journey, please see the resources below on this page:
To see the full documents that are shown above & a PowerPoint, you can download them here:
- RRSA Parents and Governors Introduction - Powerpoint
- Link to video on Slide 3 (UNICEF UK): https://youtu.be/RuG0ItHTRUM
- Link to video on Slide 5 (UNICEF UK): https://youtu.be/thDaxwBdWyE