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Year Group Pages

At Gascoigne Primary, Year Groups are led by Assistant Headteachers who have responsibility for standards within the cohort.  Our Assistant Headteachers are non-class-based, and have the flexibility to monitor, support and respond to the daily needs of the pupils and staff.

Our Assistant Headteachers are:

Assistant Headteacher Year Group Contact Details

Mr Vickery (DHT)

Nursery and Reception

Mrs Coffie Year 1 and Year 2

Mrs Miah

Year 3 and Year 4

Ms Ferreira

Year 5 and Year 6 

If you have a query or concern, please always speak with the class teacher in the first instance; if you then need to speak with the Assistant Headteacher, then you may contact them via email or request a call back from them, via the office.

Please use the links on the right of this page, for an update on what is happening in your child's Year Group.

Meet the Teacher PowerPoints [07/10/24]

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your active participation in the recent meet the teacher meeting. Please see below the meeting notes for your reference.

Year 1 - 4 Meeting Powerpoint

Year 5 - 6 Meeting Powerpoint

Below is the letter sent to parents with details on the classes next year:

Get in touch

Gascoigne Primary School Gascoigne Road, Barking, Essex, IG11 7DR

Gascoigne Shaftesburys, Shaftesburys, Barking, Essex, IG11 7JA

020 8270 4291