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Our Team at Gascoigne

Gascoigne Primary is a Rights Respecting school; we are fully committed to supporting and delivering on our Rights Respecting values so that all stakeholders feel supported in an environment that enables them to succeed and feel valued. 
Each and every member of our team is here to work in partnership with all our stakeholders. We will make ourselves available as and when needed to support pupils and their families to thrive.
Our Management and Leadership Team:
Mrs Buchner Mr Fox
Overall Effectiveness & Outcomes for Pupils Overall Effectiveness & Outcomes for Pupils
Staff professional development Staff professional development
Attendance Attendance
Safeguarding and Child Protection (DSL) Safeguarding and Child Protection (DSL)
Deputy Headteacher
Mr Vickery
Pastoral care, Standards and Outcomes: EYFS 
Curriculum and Assessment Lead
Early Career Teacher Development
Safeguarding and Child Protection: Online safety (DDSL)
Assistant Headteachers / Inclusion Managers
Ms Monks Mrs Alexander
Standards and Outcomes of EYFS & KS1 SEND
Monitoring of progress and standards: ASC Intervention spaces
Standards and Outcomes of KS2 SEND
Monitoring of progress and standards: SEMH Intervention spaces
Speech & Language  Speech & Language 
Support Staff Development (SEND) Support Staff Development (SEND)
Safeguarding and Child Protection (DSL) Safeguarding and Child Protection (DSL)
Assistant Headteachers / Teaching and Learning
Mrs Coffie Mrs Miah Ms Ferreira
Pastoral care, Standards and Outcomes Yrs1&2 Pastoral care, Standards and Outcomes Yrs3&4 Pastoral care, Standards and Outcomes Yrs5&6
Reading & Phonics Lead Mathematics Lead & NCETM Hub Trainer  Oracy & Writing Lead
Parent and Community Partnerships Support Staff Development (Curriculum) Middle Leadership Development
School Business Manager
Mr Puttnam


Middle Leadership
Rights Respecting Reading Enrichment & Library Writing Maths Science
Miss Davison Miss Shermin Miss Bhudia Miss Jawaher

Miss Begum

Music & RE History & Geography

PSHE & Healthy Schools & School Travel Plan

Art Design & Design Technology

PE & Extended Day Opportunities

Miss Vora Miss Nair Mr Clark Miss Slavik

Mr Reynolds

In-School Provision


Computing & Online Safety
Mr Sreetharan

Mr Fitch



Get in touch

Gascoigne Primary School Gascoigne Road, Barking, Essex, IG11 7DR

Gascoigne Shaftesburys, Shaftesburys, Barking, Essex, IG11 7JA

020 8270 4291