Flu Vaccination Clinics
There are some flu clinics that is being hosted in Barking and Dagenham by Vaccination UK.
Details on the Dates/Times and Locations can be found in the attachment provided at the bottom of the page.
Dear Parents/Carers,
We are hosting flu clinics within the Barking and Dagenham area. If your child missed their flu nasal spray or injection, please contact our office and we can get your child booked into one of our clinics.
If you have not completed a form and you would like your children to receive this, please complete the following link.
If you would like for your child to receive the nasal spray or injection for the flu immunisation (click yes to having the flu immunisation, then you will be offered an option to pick nasal spray or injection):
If you would not like for your child to receive either of the immunisations, please complete the link and refuse (click no to having the flu immunisation): https://london.schoolvaccination.uk/flu/2023/barkinganddagenham
If you have already completed a form, we will not need you to complete another.
If you wish to leave feedback of our services, please complete the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/fluconsent23